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    How do I break feeding to sleep association?

    @allfree15 I'm still feeding my 16 months old to sleep. Usually for his nap too nowadays, because that's how he sleeps best (around 2 hours) . He's sleeping through the night most days, or goes back to sleep in 5 minutes if he wakes up a few times (usually before my bedtime). He knows he needs...
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    Baby on a budget?

    @oppmuntre Thanks, the soft blanket is a good idea! I am hoping the wool covers can be used with the stump, but when I am home in the beginning, I am planning on having lots of diaper free time or just a loose flat on the baby, hoping to catch the meconium that way :) But def worth having at...
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    Baby on a budget?

    @oppmuntre Thanks, I didn't think babies can move so young. I just checked the mattress and it is 7cm thick, we will have it right next to ours but there will be a bit of space to the wall. Do you think I still need something? I am not sure what I can come up with, because I kinda wanted to...
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    Baby on a budget?

    @gaiealiyly We are also on a budget, but for me it's also important to be sustainable and minimalist. I'm due in November so the list may change but this is what I thought of buying so far (didn't really get anything yet): A simple mattress we can put next to ours (we sleep on the floor)...
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    Baby on a budget?

    @shirely She already said in another comment that they will cloth diaper. I new even before getting pregnant that I will only use those, but the least of my concern was the money saving actually.
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    Baby on a budget?

    @thrugodseyes Well, if it's something good, maybe even with posting fee it's worth it. I just bought a wool cover with snaps and even though the price for postage was almost as much as the diapers, it was still half the price as the new one
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    Baby on a budget?

    @thrugodseyes Have you checked any Buy nothing groups or Facebook marketplace?
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    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @ravenblue It is really dependent on the baby, and it's hard to see how that will be at 9 weeks old. Personally my second took the paci around 3 weeks old but would only fall asleep on the breast (the paci is good for some wake ups). I bedshared with both kids, my first I had to wean at 13...
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    Feeling alone in not sleep training

    @bryanlove Omg are so lucked out with a baby like that and even then they want to sleep train? My second was uo every 2 hours, screaming for half an hour and only settling with me walking around for that half hour straight up. He only started sleeping through around 2 years old. And I thought I...
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    What age is too old?

    @seekertruth72 I'm Hungarian, living in Denmark, with a Danish boyfriend and Danish mil. My oldest didn't speak more than 5 words until 2 when she already started daycare. She's 3 now. I also have a 17 months old who already has a vocab of around a 100 words. I haven't said a single Danish...
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    Cleaning toys

    @bilalamjad3 We usually just wash the potty with water and there's been zero problems so far. And I'm doing EC so we've been using a potty from newborn phase
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    How unlucky was I?

    @daphne1 I can only give you an anecdote, and I feel like my first birth was actually not that bad compared to yours, but still very much worse than my second. With my first everything went well up until labour started, which started with my water breaking. I had a very nice birthing room and...
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    Prepare me for the family battle...!

    @beverend My mom was skeptical (she used cloth of course on me back in the days, but old fashion cooking and sanitizing the flats version and using pins) but when I showed her a page about all the modern options she was amazed actually and anyway she knows how stubborn I can be (am a zero waster...
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    0 to 1 child, or 1-2 children? Which was a harder transition for you?

    @christvision28 Yeah we wanted a similar age gap, maybe a bit younger like 2 year. I'm giving birth in a few weeks with a 17 months age gap 😅 It was not intended but we gonna roll with it and hope for the best. Our first is very chill and easy, I have a one year long maternity and my bf is a...