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  1. K

    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    @twentyhawks Our experience was that he was taking 5 x 30 min naps (2.5 hours in total) and 10 hours at night (with 1 hour wake window) up until around 11 weeks. So total sleep was 12.5 hours. Then it became increasingly difficult to put him down for naps. So we reduced him to 4 naps. After...
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    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    @nggondez Bed time is around 7 to 830. And wake time 11 hours after this - so 6 to 730 - as he sleeps 10 hours with a 1 hour wake window for feeding and diaper change. 12-12 would be amazing but I think 10.5 hours is the most he's ever slept during a night :(
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    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    @truckerjack56 Thanks - appreciate the help. Did you also happen to start them on solid foods right before this? Or did they increase their sleep before you started the solids?
  4. K

    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    @stephenfortenberry Thanks! We just got the go ahead from GP for solids - I was wondering if it might lead to longer naps but obviously didn't in your case!
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    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    @stephenfortenberry Thanks - appreciate the help. Did you also happen to start them on solid foods right before this?
  6. K

    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    Our son is just over 4 months old and sleeps 12 hours a day in total. Paediatrician says this is fine, some babies just need shorter sleep amounts. It's 10 hours at night (which will be with a wake & feed - so either 6+4, 7+3, 8+2, 9+1 - but always works out to 10 hours strangely) then 4 x 30...