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    At what point do you stop giving coparent info?

    @themrsbeth Short of there being something in the agreement that you will poke your son to talk with his dad, I would just flatly tell him that this isn't my obligation and pretty much as you said; he's the adult, he needs to be in charge of reaching out. My partner's coparent is an absent dad...
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    I’m Concerned About My Exes New Girlfriends Intentions

    @harpazo56 I understand people wanting to tell you to wait until you meet her. But if you're ex is looking for a "parent" more than a "partner" , things might end up moving faster and less healthfully than you think. My partner's coparent tried to guilt her about her introducing me (period; as...
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    Girlfriend telling my son he has an allergy when he doesn’t.

    @sergiomonterroso It's great that you corrected this with your son, and that you're scheduling him for testing, just in case (as you noted in comments). However you might want to make your peace with the fact that you can't control what happens in the other home. I.e. if after your...
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    Splitting household and childcare responsibilities

    @jada11 This. Even while living together one can still agree on a "custody schedule" so that there is one parent who is the one who should be responsible for the kids, or needs to find alternate care (could be the other parent with either agreements of trading time, or of paying for childcare...
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    New baby announcement - hurt feelings

    @xanti The fact that OP is acting emotionally about finding this out really shows that OP's coparent was doing the right thing with this notification instead of letting DC become the messenger. Too often messengers get shot.
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    Advice Regarding Ex Using 6 Year Old's Image On Amazon Product

    @katrina2017 Generally they only need one legal guardian's (cough: parent's) consent. About the only thing that requires both parents consent are potentially medical things, and crossing international borders.