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    Teenager using Pot regularly - how do I get him to stop?

    @cristianl If it isn't making your life better - maybe you should stop. I can't imagine it interacting positively with the bi-polar.
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    Teenager using Pot regularly - how do I get him to stop?

    @letterforms I’ve asked for an educational evaluation.
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    Teenager using Pot regularly - how do I get him to stop?

    @everydaybread In our state no amount of THC is legal, I think something like .3% is the amount that goes from ok to "will get you sent to prison". There are some studies that indicate cognition is negatively affected by pot use, and one of his big complaints is that he can't focus or...
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    Teenager using Pot regularly - how do I get him to stop?

    @joshuaaa He is in therapy and receiving medication under medical supervision. I am not "only" concerned he is using pot. I am concerned that his use is making it worse and will limit his options as far as education -> career, either by him attending an inferior schooling option or by his...
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    Teenager using Pot regularly - how do I get him to stop?

    Over the last several months my son has developed anxiety and depression, began falling severely behind in his classes, lost interest in classes that he was previously very passionate about and twice expressed suicidal thoughts, the second time he tried to jump from an upper floor window and he...