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  1. D

    Will a few nights of bedsharing get my 7.5-month-old hooked?

    @nickymoore138 This was really helpful! It’s good to know that we can bedshare sometimes without sacrificing solo sleep ability. Unfortunately, this little dude decided to throat punch me, then bury his whole face in the mattress the second I laid him on the bed, so I’m thinking bedsharing may...
  2. D

    “JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

    @cerulean123 You sound like my husband. He has taken over 100% of housework and almost all food procurement on my bad days (which is most days), alongside his full-time job. First trimester was so stressful for him.
  3. D

    Will a few nights of bedsharing get my 7.5-month-old hooked?

    Our baby loves his crib, so we’ve never felt the need to cosleep. This week, however, we’re doing some work on the nursery. Baby is set to share our room for at least the next three nights. We tried using the pack and play last night, and he hated it (I don’t blame him. It looks uncomfortable...