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  1. C

    Struggling with ST culture

    @jujus Hey, fellow twin mom here! My twins just turned 2 a few days ago, and I just want to tell you it does get easier! My boys were never sleep trained and are mostly sleeping through the night now. I cuddle them to sleep, and they'll be out till morning! I remember the days of waking up with...
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    What was your twins weight when you started using the twin z pillow to BF? [The issues BF twins continue...]

    @investigate I cannot second this enough. I used the My Brest Friend twin pillow to tandem nurse until my boys were 18 months old. Worked like a charm.
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    How burned out are you as a SAHP?

    @ajewelinhiscrown I'm moving in five days with my 17mo twin boys... I'm also pregnant and still suffering from hg well into my second trimester🥲
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    I know it's nothing compared to some people here but I've officially made it 2 months breastfeeding!

    @clemdawg Congratulations!!! 2 months is 100% something to be very proud of! Any amount of time is worthy of pride, in my opinion. My original goal with my twins was 6 weeks, then 6 months, then a year, and we ended up just weaning at 18 months! Congrats on your sweet boy, and good luck on the...