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  1. B

    How do I break feeding to sleep association?

    @allfree15 I don’t completely remember, but he was a lot older than yours is now! I’m pretty sure we didn’t pick him up, though. They change so fast.
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    How do I break feeding to sleep association?

    @allfree15 Yeah I mean I’m preemptively anxious about this for my second and he’s only 2.5 months, so I totally get it! We ended up doing Ferber with our first around 9 months just because he got to waking up like every hour, which was painful… but he fell asleep in less than 20 minutes the...
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    How do I break feeding to sleep association?

    @allfree15 I built a strong bedtime routine that ended in nursing to sleep, then switched around the order at some point (maybe 6 months or so) so that nursing wasn’t last anymore but singing and cuddling was.
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @pinoytvshows Sooo I guess you never travel with your kids and never will? Certainly will never cross time zones? This is a bizarre take.
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    Starting a co-sleeping tradition - once a week

    @rengb121 I know a family who does "sleep anywhere you want night" once a week. I think their youngest was about 3 when they started this. It usually ended with at least one of the kids in bed with one of the parents, wherever that kid wanted the parent to be - like on the sofa bed in the...
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    Torticolis, tongue tie, not transferring well, reflux, not gaining weight, diarrhea..anyone?

    @coahline I had similar issues with my first. Tongue tie, low weight gain, etc. I did end up combo feeding, but as a part of that I breastfed for 10-11 months. It did take a while after the tongue tie revision for it to get better - and I think his mouth getting bigger also helped. And I believe...