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  1. D

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    @ritress Thank you for sharing!! That is so amazing to hear. After so many truly terrifying conversations with Drs when my short cervix was first discovered at 22 weeks, the conversations with Drs now at 30+4 seem downright relaxing in comparison. We feel so grateful to have made it this far. I...
  2. D

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    @dbhedden Yea I’m expecting at least 6 weeks to be honest! You never know what will happen. Thanks so much!
  3. D

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    Hey everyone! I PPROM’d at 30+2 days, and had the opportunity to get both steroid shots in for baby’s lungs, and I’m on antibiotics to fight infection (no infection currently). No cause of the PPROM aside from the fact I had a short cervix and needed to get a cerclage at 22 weeks. Today I get my...