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  1. M

    LH/EWCM questions

    @collegemoderate That is so helpful and makes perfect sense! Yes this last time was the first time I had sex with mucus present hours before sex. Makes perfect sense. Thank you!
  2. M

    LH/EWCM questions

    @lunarrise Thank you so much. I’ve been searching for this specific answer. My gyno couldn’t even tell me. I think I’ll track my temp and get that book
  3. M

    LH/EWCM questions

    @lunarrise So the LH surge just drops on its own regardless of when the egg is released? Like could the egg be released and you still test positive for LH surges on your OPKs?
  4. M

    LH/EWCM questions

    Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone knows the answer to this question Does your LH surge drop at the exact moment when the egg is released or does it drop when the egg doesn’t get fertilized after the 12-24 hours its alive? I hope that makes sense I also wondered if anyone has experienced only...