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  1. M


    @tracylee Sending you love back. It’s hard. But be gentle on yourself. No one is perfect and we are only doing the best we can. I went on vaca w husband and we left baby with MIL. I pumped every three hours and it was perfect. I used a hands free one and I didn’t get a clogged duct or dip in...
  2. M


    @tracylee I’m sorry you’re hurting over this. I totally feel you. I am 5”0 normally 130 & I was 190 at delivery! I went down to 150, 2 weeks after & after 6 months pp I’m at 140. It’s a lot of up and down! I don’t think a lot of people talk about how hard it is to lose weight when breastfeeding...
  3. M

    Can’t shake the weight 3 months PP

    @kokie You’re sleep deprived. Tired. Breast feeding. All of these thing affect weight. Stress over weight too makes it hard to lose weight. Eat Whole Foods Drink water Go on walks Lift weights (if you’re not tired and feel like you can- otherwise it’ll do more damage than good) I aimed for...