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  1. F

    Was everyone referred to an MFM just because their BMI says they’re “obese”?

    @danielf Well, yes. I had stellar blood pressure up until 33 weeks and then was diagnosed with gestational hypertension. I never developed pre-eclampsia but my bp shot up to 160/100 and I earned myself a weekend long stay on OB Special Care. I gained a total of 12 lbs my entire pregnancy. At...
  2. F

    Pregnant belly?

    @celluloid I’m 5’8 and started my pregnancy at 273lbs, and am an 18. I started thyroid meds in my first trimester and lost 5 lbs. I’ve since gained that back and seem to be hovering right around 280. I popped around 26ish weeks. A friend of mine who had a similar pregnancy said that’s right...