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  1. K

    Feedback request for sleep training plan for 6 m/o!

    @trivalee Thanks for the reply! Okay, deep down I know you’re right and I’m just being a wimp. We’re going to give it a go starting tonight as you suggested. Thanks for the reality check! Also - we’re a week shy of 6 months. What sort of wake windows do you suggest for 6 months?
  2. K

    Feedback request for sleep training plan for 6 m/o!

    @knowledgeisnotignorant Thanks for the detailed reply! Whether the
  3. K

    Feedback request for sleep training plan for 6 m/o!

    First night went really well! Dad put him down (for the first time!) pretty much right after bedtime routine, straight into the crib. 3-4 mins of just a hand on his belly and he was out. Woke up at 11:30, we flipped him from belly to back and then he fussed/cried for 10 mins. Dad went and put a...
  4. K

    Feedback request for sleep training plan for 6 m/o!

    Hi all! Long time lurker first time poster here. I’ve read a ton in this sub and have read some of the heavy hitters (PLS, how babies sleep, cyclemam’s guide on here, etc etc etc). We have an almost 6 month old who has never been a great napper (fights them/very short) but used to do okay with...