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  1. L

    Thoughts on my ex leaving our 5 year old at home while she goes to the bus stop for her other kids?

    @avimay 5 year olds absolutely should not be left home alone.
  2. L

    My baby is sick for the first time! D:

    @mckenna I promise to remember to circle back and share whatever advice the nurse line gives!! :)
  3. L

    My baby is sick for the first time! D:

    @mckenna I think we do have one! I have the big frida baby health kit thing and Im pretty sure it includes one of those. There is a nurse line number we can call, I just tend to look for other ways to find a solution/answer before making a call 😅 If I don't get some solid unanimous advice from...
  4. L

    My baby is sick for the first time! D:

    A small cold went around my household last week (scratchy throat and congestion issues, no fevers, everyone was better in 2-5 days) and I was hoping it skipped over baby. Nope. 😞 He was way fussier than normal yesterday and last night and now this morning he has a very congested-sounding cough...