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  1. W

    How to address cutting

    @mark419 I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I have been dealing with it on and off for about a year now but thankfully (fingers crossed) everything seems to be going better. I found out my child was cutting on her upper arms about a year ago at about 14. It wasn’t until they were already...
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    Does raising your teen trigger your trauma?

    @nicholas29 For me, I do find it triggering in a couple ways. One, I find myself having like flashbacks to some pretty horrible experiences I lived through at their age. Just the thought of how old they are getting can bring these up and I think we probably all get a sort of “at your age I…”...
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    Does raising your teen trigger your trauma?

    @riser I had this exact thought the other day lol. Especially in the early years, they say kids don’t come with manuals but I read all the what to expect books lol. It was easy when I had a guide and pediatricians telling me what they should be doing where they should be at. Now that they are...
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    Does raising your teen trigger your trauma?

    @afhvacigg This is my pain to a T. I feel like I’m doing everything better than my own parents did and I’m trying so hard and still somehow feel like I’m such a failure. My oldest struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts, it so scary and I start thinking what have I done. How did I...
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    16 y/o sleeps all day, seems depressed

    @thecore1234 He does seem depressed and you sound like you definitely messed up by not being around (not gonna sugar coat that) but it’s definitely not too late for you both to live again. As exhausting as it sounds you probably need to consider doing a lot more with him. I think boys need their...
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    16 y/o sleeps all day, seems depressed

    @andrey1987 This. It’s had been absolutely exhausting over the last couple years for me. I am constantly going going with my teens (16f and 14m), I don’t get very much time to myself. They seem happier since I’ve been putting forth a HUGE effort to be fully there for them though. And I keep...