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  1. D

    Do you use other language book to teach your kid? For e.g. Apple (English book) but can you read him as manzana (Spanish)?

    @zacjesus I hear you , some books just not available in another language and why not . Just hoping my kid won’t show me a confused face one day why is this fruit sometimes is “apple” sometimes is “manzana”. And, I guess you pointed out the age as a limit reference that sounds reasonable to me ...
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    Do you use other language book to teach your kid? For e.g. Apple (English book) but can you read him as manzana (Spanish)?

    @chole And your daughters pick them up easily or you see any confusion on their faces?
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    Do you use other language book to teach your kid? For e.g. Apple (English book) but can you read him as manzana (Spanish)?

    @scrupulous Oh but one thing, do you also read the original majority language ?
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    Do you use other language book to teach your kid? For e.g. Apple (English book) but can you read him as manzana (Spanish)?

    @scrupulous This is indeed fascinating and lessen my worries now, thanks for sharing !
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    Do you use other language book to teach your kid? For e.g. Apple (English book) but can you read him as manzana (Spanish)?

    We are doing OPOL (I speak A, my husband B, our common language is B; grandparents speak C with my LO) at home. However, as I am basically the one who spend most of the time for my LO and read to my LO, I sometimes confused if I should only read book in language A to my LO, because others won’t...