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  1. B

    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @peppermint_patty I love this post 🤣
  2. B

    “It’s like you don’t want to cook anymore” MAYBE I DON’T!

    @de_maria I’ve had this same conversation, lol. Dinner is a constant thought and I hate it sometimes. My husband works long hours so I never know if he’ll be on time or not. I’ve stopped asking 😂 Sometimes he’ll be late and he’ll call and say “what’s for dinner?” I’ll say “the kids ate and I’m...
  3. B

    Does anyone else’s working spouse do this? I swear it’s cognitive dissonance

    @ajewelinhiscrown What a hurtful thing to say. My husband has never said something like this to me. He offers to help when he sees me getting behind on something. Yesterday the trash was overflowing and he took it out himself. Yes I put it off longer than I probably should have but he didn’t...