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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @chelsea4501637 And we are at karate at the moment to help deal with my sons adhd
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @chelsea4501637 My dude is also a math guy. He flys through the stuff
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @katrina2017 Maybe I should try non fiction. That's my books of choice and never even thought of this.
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @shanda3371 That's reassuring to hear someone else who's child that's on par with mine. If I was to show a Harry Potter book to my son, he'd be so intimidated.
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @thunt Right and if my son is distracted he will read a small book too me but by the end, he can't tell me anything he just read to me or what happened in the book.
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @yunderdahl0101 I'm not really stressing too much. I was just honestly surprised children at this age can read the HP books. My son is just a tad above 'average' for reading but at the same time, he is being taught two languages at school so he can read and write in English and Mandarin Chinese...
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @yunderdahl0101 Me too! We drive to Florida and South Carolina all the time from Ohio and I always bring audio books. It makes the trips more tolerable for them and keeps me awake. I've been choosing my favorite 'classics' for them to listen to like all the Roald Dahl books. They were my...
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @umusagoat I have been playing audio books while the kids are in the car. At first they hated the idea but now they actually look forward to hearing what happens next. This has started to spark an interest in the both of them. They are comprehending what's happening and can tell me the plot...
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @katrina2017 I did just purchase a fire tablet that has books on it but he isn't having it. The only book from my childhood that he enjoyed so far was The Stinky Cheeseman haha
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    @katrina2017 My son has interest in The Dogman books by Dave Pilkey but as far as I know, he enjoys the pictures and doesn't really read them. Maybe he will grow into it? :) I hope
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    7 y.o & Reading. Where is your child at?

    I understand that all children reach milestones at their own pace but I am curious as to how well your 7 y.o. can read. I was having a conversation with someone today who's son is the same age as mine and he's read the first two Harry Potter books! I was floored when he told me that. I didn't...