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  1. J

    Child texting co parent

    @neogaia777 Child should not have unrestricted access to their phone so when they go to time out, why, pray tell, is their phone going with them?
  2. J

    I’m THIS close to giving up on coparenting

    @megbot Look at the upsides! Focus on the upsides for the kids.
  3. J

    At what point do you stop giving coparent info?

    @themrsbeth There’s a relationship facilitator in most marriages - one parent that helps nurture the relationship between the other parent and the kid. If I felt good providing the updates irrrspective of the response, I’d do it. If it didn’t make me feel good, I wouldn’t do it. I think it would...
  4. J

    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe You need to go out on disability after your maternity leave and use that extended time to find another job. Though your background is specialized aren’t there opportunities in the broader field? You can always exclude a job from your resume if you’re worried about it. A secret job...