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  1. S

    My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

    @benjaminchris Rest assured, this teacher won’t be the one teaching your child grammar. She clearly knows her alphabet, and I think that’s as far as your 3yo will get in their time with her. Yes. It’s not reassuring that she’s very well educated herself, but she’s still further advanced than...
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    My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

    @katrina2017 I work with people who have degrees who aren’t much better than this. I feel like this post is mean natured. Your kid is 3, they will do crafts, and learn the days of the week. No need to panic over a poorly written letter. Also, It’s possible English isn’t their first language.
  3. S

    Is it selfish to have kids with large age gaps, 10+ years?

    @shmuel7 One of my best friends, her sister, who is 11 years older than her, is her absolute best friend in the world. It just took until she was a teenager to build that relationship.