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  1. V

    Why do other people care so much about what I feed my baby?!

    @lolasode It’s no one’s business how you feed your baby as long as it’s done safely! I pumped for 5 months with my first. I’m pregnant again and if this baby doesn’t latch I’m doing formula. No guilt. I was so swept up in worrying about bf with my first baby. It caused so much unnecessary...
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    Exclusively pumping 3 weeks pp.

    @zoznoz There is a resource on here people link a lot that is how to wean from exclusive pumping . com I believe. I’m sure you can google it easily, but I just slowly stretched time between sessions. I also decreased the time I pump from 15 min by 1 min every day for like a week now I only pump...
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    Exclusively pumping 3 weeks pp.

    @zoznoz Please don’t feel guilty. I know that’s hard. I exclusively pumped for 6 months with my first. I wish I stopped sooner. I’m 5 weeks post partum with my second and I gave formula and pumped from the get go. Now I’ve weaned down to only pumping 2x a day and I hardly get engorged. I could...
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 I believe you’re being downvoted because your reasons for not letting her babysit are… ridiculous. I would never expect a grandparent to log the feeding and diaper changes. It’s sucks to have a spilled bottle, I was an exclusive pumper I get it, but people are human and make mistakes...
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    What’s your favorite formula?

    @conner74 My first was always on the target generic for Enfamil yellow can. If that was out we used the mama bear yellow can one from Amazon. So far this one likes the similac blue can.
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 I am going to enroll my son in dance at our local Y. He loves to boogey and I think it’ll be fun and low pressure. I’ve talked to other local moms and they say it’s pretty chill, not structured at the pre school level and no uniforms/outfits/makeup. I would just avoid any where that...
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    RTF formula: is it really necessary for newborns

    @lewis5398 As long as baby is full term (or close enough) and not immunocompromised there’s no need. Same with using boiled water to make the powder sterile. I had an IUGR babe with some health complications and his ped/cardiologist said I didn’t need to use RTF or boil water for powder. We have...
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    11.5 lb baby Birth Story

    @perpetuah I had a 5lb baby and he was a slow gainer! These babies would be like mine at 6 months old lol