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  1. J

    Study of fertility signs finds that only 10% of BBT rises occur the day after ovulation

    @kristeen Cool! Thanks for posting this ☺️ I usually have a slow rise and it often frustrates me, especially when I'm 1DPO (based on my OPK now turned negative and tiny rise in temp) like today and I'm like...did I even ovulate!?
  2. J

    DAE window shop for baby clothes?

    @ibrahim98 Yep, I have a registry and a bunch of stuff saved Etsy and Pinterest! I'm always window shopping for baby clothes. But avoid I baby clothes (or anything baby related) like the plague when I'm in physical shops...weird.
  3. J

    Wish I could, but I know better

    @writergirlrs 4 month old baby but same. Would love another, but I know better!,