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  1. O

    Exclusively breastfeeding vs Pumping?

    @jayteeclark Oh for sure I’m sorry I absolutely did not mean to imply that it wasn’t best for some families! I had a really rough go of getting nursing to work. I was teetering on the edge of exclusively pumping. I made it to a year with nursing and pumping at work, but I know there’s no way I...
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    Exclusively breastfeeding vs Pumping?

    @robinrocks It’s easier to pump when they can’t move around. It’s easier to nurse when they’re older. But babies can get used to bottles, so it’s best to try to get the baby to nurse now for ease in the future. There’s nothing wrong about exclusively pumping, and it’s the same breastmilk other...
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    Can I take a night off from EBF once a week?

    @walterjabe This is what my husband did too! Helped SO much Basically, have your husband have a shift where you are essentially just the bottle. He does everything else!