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  1. G

    Text from my 14 yr old son

    @rbnum1fan Very relatable!!
  2. G

    Text from my 14 yr old son

    @sheryll My 16 year has said almost exactly the same thing to my face. He started screaming "I just wanna be left the fuck alone!" over and over while crying. I saw in that moment just how much he was hurting, just how much he had been holding inside, and just how much I had not been helping...
  3. G

    Boy is willing to brave extreme cold

    @mbraun Yep my 16 year old is crazy too. Wants to walk or skate to work/gym/friends houses ect every day, even when the roads and sidewalks are slick with thick ice. I have to demand that I drive him back and forth to work. My 17 year old is a totally different story. Even the possible hint of...