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  1. P

    Fmla and asking employer to drop my house from 40 hours a week to 32 hours a week, for full time

    Hello, I am going to be going on FMLA in June and was wondering if anyone had a case like this. During my maternity leave I would like to propose to my HR department to adjust my hours from 40 per week to 32 per week, which would still be considered full time with my employer. Doing so would...
  2. P

    Pregnancy After Miscarriage is a Mind F***

    @sixskinners I am currently 32 weeks after my first miscarriage, I will say time makes it less stressful/anxiety inducing. For me the first trimester/probably second trimester was filled with constant doubt, I didn’t vocalize it but it was constant and obsessive. What helped me through is...