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    He changed his mind and I cried myself to sleep just to wake up more upset

    @charlyrich So happy to help! Best of luck, girl :)
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    He changed his mind and I cried myself to sleep just to wake up more upset

    @charlyrich Your feelings are valid information that you have every right to examine and process, no need to be sorry. This stuff is complicated. Letting your dreams for the future "interfere with [your] happiness" now isn't silly or unreasonable. It's also important to remember that there's no...
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    He changed his mind and I cried myself to sleep just to wake up more upset

    @charlyrich I've realized in my nearly 9 years with my partner that I can't get mad at him for how he feels but I sure as hell can be mad at him for failures of introspection and failures to communicate. It's not reasonable that my partner can just tunnel vision on his work and truck and the...
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    He changed his mind and I cried myself to sleep just to wake up more upset

    @charlyrich Oo, I would be so bummed and pissed. This happened with us a few years ago with getting a puppy and I was furious and so, so sad. I can only imagine it it’s a human baby! I’ve been fun shy ever since and sat the SO down a few months ago and said “we’re calendaring this out and I’m...
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    Is a floor bed not recommended for an infant b/c of the mattress?

    @exaltbass We just got rid of our crib and put the crib mattress on the floor. He sleeps on it by himself now at 9m adjusted (12.5m actual) and has since he was 6m adjusted. The rest of the nursery is baby proofed. That being said, he rolled off a lot and it would wake him up, so we put pool...
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    COVID-19 and Why I'm Waiting

    @wdub My mom had me at 34 and my sister at 36, and I really appreciate how she says that she "got her 20's out in her 20's and was able to settle in and enjoy the slower pace of raising kids." LOL, she was in med school and bike racing and being crazy in her 20s, so I love that she saw...
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    COVID-19 and Why I'm Waiting

    @wdub Yeah, I wish I had the luxury of waiting but I'm 33 and want two kids, so it seems lower risk to try in the next 6m than to wait another year or two before kid #1.
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @zianizinou So, we actually had a stroke of luck and ended up having an offer accepted on an amazing house on Friday last week! We move in on May 22nd! (I should probably updater the post)
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    Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals

    @spazmoidfry I did! I had to switch to taking it in the evenings during the first trimester but I did great on it, and my iron levels always tested well. I switched to Ritual Postnatal postpartum.
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @chaoticjoy3 Thanks for the solidarity! It is so hard. The demand is a little lower so the market has sort of "paused" in my area, but no actual price drops. It makes me feel even more rushed, actually, because I keep thinking "we have to find something now while we can actually get it!"
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    Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals

    @moshia Wow, it looks really good! Plenty of calcium, choline, the right type of folate! Thanks for sharing! I might consider pre-ordering this since it's looks out of stock now :(
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @denise_ I hate the age thing, it's the hardest part! Like we're being "punished" for trying to be responsible. Damn you aging bodies!
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @moshia That's frustrating. I hate that feeling of thinking I'm more invested in something than my partner is, so I totally get that. We talked through all that at the end of the tour. The garage is under the house, so there's no wiggle room to raise it up. He actually just told me a minute ago...
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    Why IGs “They’re only little for 4 years” is so cringey

    @knersus The article I linked does a good job of describing how the clip links to his bigger ethos of child rearing, one of power and hierarchy, which doesn’t mesh well with my personal philosophy of raising children or with modern developmental psychology.
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @tiffc It was our compromise. I agree that it's sort of arbitrary, but I understand that he's a super linear thinker and struggles to imagine the future. So asking him to pick a time to start trying when he's focused on buying a house is extra stress for him. This is a good reminder that I...
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    Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals

    @nickgrundy Good to know! I'm definitely still considering it :)
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @shane28 This is a helpful number to have in mind, actually. Thanks for sharing! This silly house we looked at just had low door frames, so it wasn't even the rafter issue it was that it literally wouldn't fit through the doors. So dumb! I wonder if they make doors that roll to the sides? Or...
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    Nutritional Analysis of 13 Prenatals

    @hadasah So glad it helped! I was originally considering Baby & Me 2 but the reviews for the one available on Amazon said it came moldy or with tampered seals, and I haven't seen it available in any stores near me :(
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @shane28 Oof, yep, I hear you on the dream garage vs. compromise garage. We're settling on two bay required and lift-able a plus. We have a Go Fast Camper on the Tacoma so it's a bit taller than standard, but we should reasonably be able to find a garage that it will fit it. I do think we can...