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  1. T

    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @robtarc I agree that it's better than it used to be. But I also think that a group of software engineers probably speaks at an above average level. :) I have some young family members, who attend elementary and middle school, and the way they're being taught is not much different from the way...
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    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @robtarc Thanks :) I am really grateful that she's doing well with Czech and you're right, I probably need to stress less about English now. We just don't want to drop it completely because, while unlikely, we can't rule out living in the Czech Republic in the future, and English learning there...
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    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @johnnyhudson Thanks for the reassurance. :) and yeah, giving her the chance to learn German well from native speakers is one of the reasons, why we went with the standard German KiTa.
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    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @godmadegorillas Thanks :) English daycare wouldn't be an option for us, even if it were available (and it isn't), because right now it's 99% of her exposure to German.
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    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @relle25 Thank you for the reply! I'll stop worrying about her English for now, then. We just don't want to completely drop it because we're not sure, where we'll end up living permanently and while the Czech Republic is not likely, we're not ruling it out completely. And from our personal...
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    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @johnnyhudson Yeah, I see that. And honestly, out of the three, English is also objectively the easiest language to learn. Czech grammar especially is very hard to master even for monolingual kids... Thank you! :)
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    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    @aldredian Thank you :) you're probably right. I just need to stress less and trust us a bit more.
  8. T

    Trilingual toddler (not OPOL) - not sure if we're going in the right direction

    Hi! I looked at the trilingual posts here but didn't find anything similar. I'm looking for advice/insight/reassurance... TLDR: parents - native monolingual Czech + English (fluent, bilingual, not mother tongue), daughter 2.5 y.o. - Czech/English at home, German in daycare, grandparents -...