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  1. C

    8 Week U/S Question!!

    @thriftfabulous Mine was very round as well and didnt look quite like a baby yet , the only thing i could distinguish was a big head lol i also looked into pictures thinking mine was kind of weird and my anxious mind was even thinking whats up with his spine ? its so rounded ... :P but at...
  2. C

    Wife’s blood test results. Should we expect the worst?

    @jermoh My IVF Doc told me at the time that at that stage he just wanted to know if there was a heartbeat and nothing else, he even joked with me asking "so you were looking for a baby were you? " but still .. only time allowed me to relax a bit !
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    Wife’s blood test results. Should we expect the worst?

    @jermoh Do you know how was the HR ? I also have done IVF and my embryo measured behind at 6w2d and at 6w5d , CRL at that stage can lead to wrong dates because of human error . At 8w it was bigger and easier to measure and at that stage it was right on time. I know its very stressful but its...
  4. C

    Endo pregnancy concerns

    @tonypol09 First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy! I am 38 and even though i made IVF "i am not prepared" is the feeling i always get :P You have time! So yes endo can make getting pregnant more difficult but mostly because of endometriomas impacting ovaries (and eggs) and then it...