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  1. O

    Wits end with poop withholding

    @realsam2 Yes! Lmk how it goes. I also wanted to share that I’d probably keep her in diapers until she gets over the mental fear. I feel like if she’s already scared to poop in a diaper then asking her to go in a potty would be even more terrifying. That’s just what I’m gathering from your post...
  2. O

    Wits end with poop withholding

    @realsam2 I feel you. I’ve got a 2 year old son who loves to hold in his poop. It took us about 4 months of Miralax where his poop consistency was like apple sauce for him to lose his insane fear of pooping. He still struggles with it but it’s gotten a lot better. Just wanted to share how long...