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  1. W

    Is it weird to have a birthday party three months early?

    @starfish49 Good to know! The presents thing is definitely the biggest hang up for me for that exact reason. And while on one hand I don’t want him to miss out on presents (it’s not why he wants a party but he would definitely notice if there weren’t any cause that’s what happens at birthdays)...
  2. W

    Is it weird to have a birthday party three months early?

    @maddy3000 I could, but at least one friend is moving after the year ends, and as it stands attendance is not high at birthday parties around here. I just feel they’re more likely to actually come if they’re still seeing each other every day.
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    Is it weird to have a birthday party three months early?

    @soulonfire4god My son actually tells everyone his birthday constantly because he’s so excited haha. The parents probably don’t know now, but 100% he would tell them at the party. I just want to make sure they don’t feel lied to or anything, but I’m glad to hear it’s not uncommon to celebrate at...
  4. W

    Is it weird to have a birthday party three months early?

    @suezqz That’s a good point! Lol
  5. W

    Is it weird to have a birthday party three months early?

    My son (4) goes to pre k at the local elementary and just loves his friends. He has gone to several birthday parties this year and is so so excited for his own… except his birthday is the end of August, a few days before the new school year starts. Because it’s pre k, the students aren’t all in...