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  1. M

    New here, seeking guidance in uncharted territory

    @barry61 I contract work, remodeling, decks, etc. I am finishing a major deck project now and have a few projects I have bid but unsure if I will get the job. So that’s why I’m kind of in Limbo and have the ability to be a SAHP before taking on more work. I have watched my kids alone several...
  2. M

    New here, seeking guidance in uncharted territory

    @brucepjr Thank you for your insight it’s very much appreciated! Still in the early stages of this decision but based off your insights I would probably try to do it full time for the 8 months as described. It’s not that I want my wife to do both it’s her that wants to spend time with the kids...
  3. M

    New here, seeking guidance in uncharted territory

    @klearskyz27 I agree with everything y’all are saying but I never said I’ve relied on her to take care of the kids while she’s working. She enjoys the time she does get to spend but obviously with work guilt, which is why I am even proposing being a SAHP. I’m all for making my family’s life easier.
  4. M

    New here, seeking guidance in uncharted territory

    Thank you in advance to anyone who reads as I try to articulate my situation. Would love any feedback, whatever it may be. Tl;dr below My wife ( S 37) and I ( K 34) are at a predicament with the care of our son ( Z 3) and daughter ( B 19 mos). S- Breadwinner, insurance, savings plan K-...