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  1. J

    I've hit my glass ceiling..

    @kakashi007 It sounds like you need to shop your skills out. Update your resume and make sure you include those P&L metrics and awards. Use tangible numbers. Quantify everything. Someone running a company or department cares about the bottom line and your skill set is valuable to them. Brag...
  2. J

    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @olivemcr You’d think I’d have had awesome supply with all that work. Nope. We had to supplement with formula for both despite my obsession over getting enough milk made for both of them. Lactation cookies. Water. Supplements. Power pumping. Pumping every 3 hours in the office starting at 12...
  3. J

    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @olivemcr I struggled with supply and spent over a thousand hours pumping between both kids including a nightly power pump session for 24 months. If I were in her situation, it would have been really hard to continue. Pumping is grueling and I don’t know if I would have stuck with it if my kids...
  4. J

    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @sh419ob Both my kids started with them right away in the hospital and neither had issues with latch or bfing or bottle feeding. We did it all right from the start and has zero issues. My one friend who delayed introducing anything for fear of nipple confusion ended up with 2 kids who would...
  5. J

    Just my critique of that day care Medium article that is always circulating this sub as it relates to nannies and familial care

    @christianloyalty If you read Lean In, you’ll find actual studies referenced that speak to the benefits for children of having working parents. Medium is not a credible source for anything and it appears the author misinterpreted data based on what OP shared here.
  6. J

    Breastmilk amount per bottle

    @imark Are they watching your child? If not, why are they interfering with your parenting? Don’t consult them. Don’t inform them. Don’t defend your actions if you’re following doctor’s orders. You don’t need to prove you’re right and they’re wrong. You just need to do the right thing for your...
  7. J

    Managing bedtimes?

    @kaiti It’s a pain for working parents - we have our afterschool babysitter shuttle for that activity which is a life saver.
  8. J

    Managing bedtimes?

    @kaiti Do they have an earlier gymnastics class? My 4 year old’s class is 4-5 and my almost 7 year old is in the 6-10 class and it’s 5-6. That’s just really late for that age. I’d drop the other activities until the spring. Adjust to school and see how it goes. Add them back in as you can.
  9. J

    Toddler ABC activities

    @happychristian738 That might be the version I know best. They all just run together after 12 hours straight... Happy cake day!
  10. J

    Managing bedtimes?

    @kaiti I think it’s a lot for a 4 year old. Every moment of her day is structured once she’s in school. I mean, that’s cool if you want a life like that but my kiddos enjoy some unstructured play and we also enjoy not catering 95% of our free time to structured activities. Unless you have plans...
  11. J

    Managing bedtimes?

    @blessed15 My 1st grader does an hour of sports from 5-6 one day a week. I can’t believe they’d schedule 4 year olds that late!
  12. J

    Managing bedtimes?

    @kaiti Your 4 year old does an hour of sports daily from 6-7?
  13. J

    Toddler ABC activities

    @extreme_zeal777 Love it! There’s also a phonics song that you can find on YouTube. It goes through each letter. “A is for Apple. A-a-a-a-apple. B is for ball. Buh-buh-buh-buh-ball.” You can sing that all day too and just sub in all your words for the objects.