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  1. C

    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    @toohuck Don't tell anyone I might be using it for myself first :-) thanks so much!
  2. C

    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    @aelialicinia Coding is an idea that I keep coming back to. I'd prefer to do something more "active". But. If I were to go the coding route. What language(s) do you recommend I begin with? I have a computer science minor (that's 10 years old) so I've forgotten 90% of C++ and am handy at old...
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    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    @lamphuongnghi152 I'm under the impression that soldering is a prerequisite for some raspberry pi applications. am i right? And to respond about welding, yea, that doesn't seem like something i'm interested in. could be cool but not what i'm looking for anytime soon.
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    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    @lamphuongnghi152 /r/ecclectic thank you for your in depth reply! I have it on good authority that Santa got us some mega blocks :) I really hadn't considered art as a means to challenge him in all ways. Especially digital art. The fact that you mention that confirms my thinking of "you're...
  5. C

    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    @lamphuongnghi152 What about me? (Sounds awful to say) I'm looking to get started so that when he's ready we're not learning it together. Perhaps that's a selfish notion. If you were in my shoes what do you think you'd pick? Thanks for your reply!
  6. C

    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    @madakronic Wow! I really never thought about this. But do they really want to have to teach someone how to do everything? Especially if it's stuff that requires foreknowledge? Thanks for your reply!
  7. C

    A Skill/hobby for 8 years from now..

    The usual, I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit, but here goes: My son is under 2 years old and I know that I want to pass on to him skills/hobbies that will benefit him, be enjoyable for me, and not break the bank in 8 years time. Emphasis on 8 years because I'm picturing me and a...