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  1. M

    Are any of y’all considering moving out of the country?

    @katrina2017 I wouldn't go to the UK. Healthcare here is nonexistent and getting worst. The economic crisis is pushing us out of the list of first world countries.
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    X-posted from r/tfab, who already has names picked out?

    @marineimaging I graduated onto trying a year ago and we have had no luck since. I am going through fertility treatment now and of course I'll take anything, but I am low key hoping for twins. I know it's more likely now.
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    X-posted from r/tfab, who already has names picked out?

    Do most people wait until after they are pregnant,or have you already picked out names? I have a boys name sorted- Ash Eric For a girl I have lots of options- Elia, Evelyn, Emelyn, Eden, Briony or Amara. I am leaning toward Elia Amara.
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    Advice for juggling three year old and newborn

    @seanieshamrocks Have you looked into any childcare for the 3 year old? She should be eligible soon for the 30 hours a week? I'm still sending my toddler to nursery after my newborn comes, I don't feel like her days would be enriching enough stuck at home with me and a baby.
  5. M

    cycles getting longer

    @ditzydollshana Have you been tracking ovulation at all?