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  1. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @myjesus1797 Thank you for this. And for your perspective. This helps me see it in a different light. Part of my personality is not feeling deserving of good things. And that's my hang up that I am going to have to work through and let go of, or I'll never be truly happy and appreciative. I'm...
  2. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @katrina2017 Thank you for your empathy. You make some incredibly valid points. There are things I do for her. She doesn't have a car, so on days she comes over, I let her take the car home and keep it until I go back to work. She also doesn't mind running errands with me so it all works out. I...
  3. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @lilliumstar Just realized i put the update on the wrong sub
  4. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @lilliumstar smile * thanks. We have a lot of fun together. I asked her to come over later for dinner and I ordered out for dessert. After I invited her she said, " I'm so excited!" That made me feel better than anything she could have said or done. She was just excited to see me. That...
  5. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @lilliumstar Thank you for this. And yes, glad she is an ex friend. I got tired reading that lol. You are an amazing mom and you have an amazing family. Nothing is perfect, but you guys are close! Thank you for the invitation. I'll message. Can't remember if I mentioned it above, but I posted...
  6. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @lilliumstar Thank you. Sorry I missed this sooner. I'm glad you get where I'm coming from. And you are right, she would hate if I felt bad when she is nice to me. ( stems from abuse). I'm going to just enjoy our time. Thank you. Keep loving your family, and them loving you. :)
  7. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @katrina2017 Oh hey.... That's a good idea. I'm working with a vocational rehab that does things like this. I'll look into that! Thank you!!
  8. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @kbkxnightmare Thank you. I'm so glad for your perspective on this. And she does feel good doing things for me. I'll do more to relax my brain, accept and enjoy.
  9. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @dinofinney Thank you . and I'm very very lucky. I appreciate her so much. Edit: hit save too soon. Yes it is earlier than expected and i think that is what bothers me the most. I SHOULDN'T need help, but I do.
  10. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @steven992 Yes, this is a good idea. And I'd never demand anything from anyone. You are right, I should not feel guilty. I'll continue checking in with her and communicating. Thank you so much.
  11. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @gotonenerveleft Thank you.And they are amazing. I'll do that! That's a good idea! Little goodies and stuff. Thank you!! I'll do this!! I hope we are. I know I have wonderful memories and experiences with her when she comes over. Little things we say or do. Thank you so much!! I'll get right...
  12. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @katrina2017 Yes. This all resounded for me. Of course I would do all of these things for someone else, gladly. That makes sense. Thank you for this. This helps a lot. And I am UNBELIEVABLY proud of how she turned out. So so proud. She is amazing.
  13. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @littlechu Yes, it's very hard to accept! And I do accept I need help so I don't argue... But the denial is strong! I appreciate that you want to help them. Maybe you can talk to them and approach it a different way. You are a very good person.
  14. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @leah2727 I love this!! Ahh I'm so proud of all of you!! How wonderful. I will let her help and love her. Thank you for this and what you do.
  15. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @katrina2017 Thank you for this. And this is basically what this is. She repotted a plant for me that I wasn't able to get to. She was so happy to do it for me! I do love her unconditionally. I guess it's weird getting it back. :) I'll practice gracious receiving. Keep doing what you do. You...
  16. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @lianacohen001 Thank you . I do my best to make up for any mistakes I made when they were kids. Best of everything for you.
  17. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @lianacohen001 I'm so proud of you. You are a wonderful child. My daughter is also a wonderful child. I try to be as good as I can. :) I'll let the guilt go and accept for her sake. Thank you.
  18. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    @lianacohen001 That makes me feel much better about it. Thank you. That was my concern. She is doing some things that really suck, but she is so proud afterwards and happy that I have something nice. She always feels good after. I like this perspective.
  19. J

    I ( 50 f) have a daughter ( 27 ) that has been helping me and I don't know how to feel about it.

    So, this is for both adult children and older parents. I have an invisible disability ( that I'm still kind of in denial about) and need help around my home and my life. I work full time, but at home I struggle. My daughter has taken up helping me and taking care of me in different ways (...