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  1. D

    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @deojames We have conceived naturally several times, just our daughter passed away and then I had 2 miscarriages in a row, so I can get pregnant. We actually wanted to go straight to IVF, But I only have 1 follicle in each side, so IVF isn't an option. I think the idea is that hormones could...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @deojames Did they also do a water ultrasound around 5 days are your period started to double check? That is what mine did, and confirmed it. In my case IVF isn't even an option though. We are trying IUI with hormones just to give it a try.
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    Clearblue Advanced Digital vs. Easy @ Home LH strips

    @svetkaelisy Yes, this exactly. I use the clearblue advanced. Flashing smiley means estrogen is rising and you will likely get your LH surge in the next couple days. Basically, this means start getting busy for best results😅 it gives you a couple days where you can get a much baby juice in you a...