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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @shyandalone That said I agree Spanish would be SO much more useful for her BUT alas that’s the issue at hand haha we don’t have a choice at the moment.
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @shyandalone It’s always a lottery, and you can’t get in past 2nd grade. So French is a sure bet.
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @shyandalone Nah we have good schools near us (for elementary) and definitely no shade to anyone who pays OOP for private schooling but I’m a believer in public schools if they are good!
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @mjmichaels Yes Africa has so many French speaking countries! Time to bust out the French African rap on Spotify. So good 😎 Thanks for the advice!!
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @kimosabe2019 Thank you for this insight!
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @madegen Wow that is really interesting and very cool!! Such a good point.
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @thanhthoang1310 You’re right, thank you! Such a positive spin. And we’re so close to Mexico, we can easily provide her Spanish learning opps simultaneously. Appreciate the insight 🫶🏼
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @littlelou Thanks! Great points. Really appreciate it!! When I say I’m conversationally fluent I mean I can hold a conversation with a native speaker for the most part (especially after a drink or two) but definitely not anywhere near where I’d need to be to speak to her all the time in Spanish.
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @keith7731 Absolutely. There’s no wrong way to look at it. Thank you!
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @keith7731 Such an interesting perspective and so true. A rarer language for certain! Thank you!!
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @corinne1 Thank you so much! We feel the same way. Really appreciate the insight. :)
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @paleophyte Thank you!! I agree with that.
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    Hello! I posted this to the learning language sub but someone suggested I try here. Our daughter is 5 and will be starting kindergarten in the fall. She got into the French program at a local (free!) dual immersion school that is K-8. The school and program have rave reviews but the kicker is...