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  1. J

    Having a second is "X" times as much work

    I've heard so many different opinions about this. Some say having a second is only 1.5 times the work, some say it is around twice the work, and others say it is up to 5 times the work!! Obviously this is a matter of opinion, but I suspect there are also other factors at play, including the...
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    A plan for figuring it out

    @patrick702 Same here. Although now that we have done it on hard mode, perhaps the next one would seem easier and we’d be much more confident. We were so totally blindsided by our difficult baby last time. Also personally I think we’ve paid our dues and deserve an easy one next time 😆 ahh if...
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    A plan for figuring it out

    @patrick702 That is such a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing. We are sort of in the process of doing this- my husband (who is the one more on the fence than me) decided that before deciding “if” we needed to decide “when” so that we could actually get a clearer picture of what life would...
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    Age gap; 3 or 4 years?

    @syrak Totally understand that everyone’s experiences are different- my point is just that I think whether kids get along or not is more to do with personality and family dynamics rather than the age gap. Some kids with very small age gaps also don’t get along at all, some with big age gaps do...
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    Age gap; 3 or 4 years?

    @syrak Hey my older brother is nearly 6 years older than me. Firstly, we always did and still do get along great! But also, while he did start having kids long before me, his youngest (he has 3 kids) and my oldest are exactly the same age. They’re even in the same class at preschool and are best...
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    Age gap; 3 or 4 years?

    @loumay I have exactly a 4 year age gap. I’ve really liked it so far. Age 3 was rough for us so I’m glad to not have had a newborn to deal with as well. Age 4 has been a huge change in my kid’s demeanour, independence, maturity, ability to self regulate etc. So with that, the thing I have both...
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    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    @despet93 I agree with this too, although I live in Australia where things are a bit different from the US. For one, we have a great public health and public school system so there aren't many costs associated with that. The main expenses are daycare (which isn't a problem if a parent can stay...
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    Will my only be too lonely?

    @momof452 It should be a consideration but not the only consideration. What other reasons do you have to have another child? What reasons do you not want another? Once a child is at school I think they will be surrounded by other kids all day and they can do extra curricular activities too. So...
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    A bigger age gap can be a good thing

    @tantman This is actually what the "science" says! That either a
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    Found out I’m pregnant again

    @cesar07 There is no right or wrong answer here. Whatever you decide is the right choice for you guys at this time. If you choose to terminate you can still conceive at a later time. A majority of abortions are from people who already have a child or children and are not in a place in their...
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    How do I stop feeling absolutely awful about not giving my child a sibling?P

    @missaqua From the sounds of it I really don’t think you should have another. Have you read the r/oneanddone subreddit? If not I highly recommend you check it out. So many wonderful things about being a family of 3!! Regarding your specific concerns, unless you are planning to homeschool I...
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    Tubal ligation reversal

    @symphorian Why do you want a 4th child? Is it just more babies you want or another whole person to look after for the next couple of decades? Would a 4th child add something important to your family; can you afford it; can you be the best parent you can be to 4 children; does your husband feel...
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    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    @reynaldo I think that 3.5 years old is when a shift happens. They’re not quite so tantrummy and disregulated, they’re usually toilet trained and not using the stroller and in a bed and eating normal meals at the table and not napping… it felt for us like a shift away from the baby/toddler years...