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  1. E

    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 I’m so sorry that you’ve been brought up in a society that expects you to be recovered from childbirth immediately. As someone who almost died in childbirth and had a long, complex surgery to save my life the day my daughter was born, my road to recovery continued until she was nearly a...
  2. E

    Why is Everyone Sick all the Time?

    @7thunders I think this is a brilliant post! Entirely anecdotal, but I’m a ‘novid’ (one of those few who is yet to catch covid). I still wear an N95 in most crowded/health locations. My health is genuinely never been better, so I doubt mask wearing is the issue. I should add as an aside that my...
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @joeyfish That’s why I said that was the absolute worst day, and as he was on an airplane (not as a pilot), I don’t think that road users were in too much danger. We had a baby who barely slept for 5 months. I’d have been dead if we didn’t share the load. My husband and I both have highly...
  4. E

    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 Look it wasn’t a great time for either of us, but our daughter wouldn’t sleep more than 45 mins at a time from 4-9 months and my husband did most of the night work because he said I needed more sleep than he did (recovering from childbirth and continuing breastfeeding). That meant at the...
  5. E

    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @dekaewaii Perfume, makeup, lip balm etc. used by caregivers too. I changed lip balm because I felt like it made my newborn’s acne worse.