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  1. J

    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @waka To show a different side of this, I was the baby of the class but was still incredibly bored academically, and was extremely shy and had no friends. I have no idea whether emotional maturity played a hand in being left out socially, or just the way that I naturally isolated myself.
  2. J

    Is 9 months long enough to prepare?!

    @fallingupwards Great question! We researched essentials beforehand, and our requirements (e.g. no fire retardants - which are known carcinogens - in our car seat quickly narrowed it down to only three possible options) made our final selection and purchasing pretty easy and straight forward...
  3. J

    Is 9 months long enough to prepare?!

    @bort In my culture, we don't purchase/set up baby items (even a crib) until the baby is born (old tradition wary of the evil eye/tempting fate). We made an exception to get a car seat a week before our due date so we could take our bub home from the hospital. As a first time parent, I was...