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    How to support a gifted child?

    @aegisheart That, to me, just sounds like typical toddler behaviour. 3, from what I've read, is still a time where they're going through big emotions. The not succeeding at first try sounds exactly like my son (2.5). My son's very independent and likes to do everything himself. Doesn't like...
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @tigger45 We were originally using Sunsense Sensitive Visible but that's been discontinued. We still have the tube though so haven't gone about replacing it. The other we've used is Banana Boat Sensitive - but there's a specific one where it just has Zinc Oxide - but again, I can't find it on...
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @genxjeff My son has eczema so the dermatologist told us, less ingredients the better and preferably no food ingredients before they start solids. The active ingredient you want to look for is Zinc...
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    Should I teach my 9 month old shapes, numbers and colors in English first or French?

    @ptrnoy777 Get books, not flash cards. Books that uses stories to explain emotions are way more effective than flash cards. My son has no interest in flash cards but books, he'll happily read. There's a lot of books that teach numbers, shapes etc in a very fun way. Just do it in French. Get...
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    Time to start correcting mistakes?

    @ofelixculpa I'd say yes. Correct her. I correct my 3 year old all the time. He sometimes say stuff in Mandarin with English grammar. I've noticed he now self corrects himself. Like, he'd start a sentence. Realises he's saying it with the wrong grammar. Restarts his sentence until he gets it...
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    Income keeps going up but husband doesn’t want to outsource any chores

    @gembeldolar Work out how much time you guys spend on cleaning. Now put a dollar figure on that based on your salary. If say your combined salary is 300k, then an hour of cleaning costs $105. Does it cost you $105 an hour for a cleaner? Probably not. In other words, you are literally...
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    I get so annoyed of hearing “wElL I dOnT kNoW hOw To HeLp UnLesS yOu aSk”…

    @roryrichards This might help.
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    2.5 year old and 4 languages. I am confused and worried

    @kennethkivumbi FaceTime them daily with your son and speak Turkish.
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    2.5 year old and 4 languages. I am confused and worried

    @eriksun I've experienced that. I watched Beauty and the beast in Mandarin first when I was a kid. I couldn't watch the English one (at first). Too weird.
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    What age is too old?

    @seekertruth72 These articles might help. I think with the...
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    2.5 year old and 4 languages. I am confused and worried

    @kennethkivumbi Sorry. What I meant was you guys switch to OPOL with your wife speaking Bosnian and you speaking Turkish. English can still be the family language or just the language you and your wife communicate in. As in, you guys speak to each other in English but when you turn your head to...
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    2.5 year old and 4 languages. I am confused and worried

    @kennethkivumbi Here's a very good article on introducing a language to a child when they've already started speaking. Specifically, this article is when the author's eldest was 2.5yo. Here's another good article on how to carve out...
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    2 siblings vs only child learning a second language

    @christianguy2121 This article actually covers the scenario of two kids and kids trying to switch on you. I think it just comes down to how you enforce it. I have an only child and because Dad doesn't speak Mandarin...
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    Would it be a good idea to teach my 7 y/o son Japanese?

    @griffinflores77 If he's interested, then it's not too much. My parents hired Japanese tutors right around the time I was 6. I learned hiragana and katakana fairly quickly and really, the Japanese teachers just comes and teach a few topics but mostly just talks to me, read or play with me in...
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    OPOL / MLAH / T&L / Mixed Language Policy

    @k8e MLaH is perfect for you guys given you all share the same language so focusing on the language with the least exposure e.g. English would be best. OPOL, I personally feel, is only best if parents speak 2 different minority languages or it's basically forced because one parent only speak...
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    OPOL / MLAH / T&L / Mixed Language Policy

    @netwaxer Not necessarily. My son has never mixed languages with me. Only if he can't remember the word which is rare. He would actually describe what he means rather than replacing it with English. We have been strictly OPOL since birth. He knows I can speak English. Definitely knows daddy...
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    Any Africans here? 4 language plan for our first baby

    @pattianne4 I think if it's natural for people to pick up 3 to 4 languages from birth on and you live in your husband's country, then it's probably nothing to worry about. You just worry about your language then. Talk to your husband and ask him how he acquired his languages and you might have...
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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @tomorrow Oh - I really don't think I'm a linguistic genius. I just like languages and I generally find it easy to recognise patterns so I think that's generally what helped me a lot. Writing in Chinese is hard - full stop - lol. My writing sucks - I type. I think I would just talk to the...
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    Strategies or tips needed

    @wrrydmom "That's right! It's ball!" But in Spanish. It's acknowledging he's saying the right word but you're repeating it in the targeted language so he can hear it in Spanish too and know that you say it a different way. Yes. Basically, whatever language he says stuff to you, just continue...
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    Question about main language in extended family

    @purnhart I get what you mean. I can't bring myself to speak English with my parents. But you can continue speaking your native tongue with your family and just English with your kids. You'll probably get used to it after a while.