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  1. K

    Am I being petty

  2. K

    Am I being petty

    @frater_domus Thank you. Your post definitely made me feel better.. She turns 3 next week so almost there :) Definitely can't wait til she progresses to talking in full sentences, being potty trained and all that good stuff.. so we can do all the fun stuff together like you and your daughter...
  3. K

    Am I being petty

    @katrina2017 Thanks this seems constructive
  4. K

    Am I being petty

    Background info: So I have my toddler full time for 90+ percent of a given month (mom not in the picture). A weekend or 3-5 days out of the month she stays with her grandparents (my parents) who are about 2 hours away. I have a group of extended family that we were connected while growing up. I...
  5. K

    Questions about birth certificate. (Also sorry about my username 🥴)

    @kiddoleknocker If you guys have been having an amicable arrangement until now, if you need to go the legal route you can, but perhaps he will see the wisdom of the fact that going from 0 overnights to a week full of overnights is a bit much. Why not propose start with 1 night a week and go from...