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  1. W

    Are there any other babies who never had a set schedule?

    @benedix I didn't have a schedule until around 3 5mos. She never showed sleepy cues and so I would end up spending literal hours rocking and feeding trying to get her to sleep just for her to take a 10 minute nap because she wasn't actually tired, or I'd try leave it until she started fussing...
  2. W

    Early morning wakes (6m) - what to do about nap schedule

    @nhungthientai I feed - without the food she'd be awake hungry, but she just doesn't fall asleep on the bottle, never has for some reason!
  3. W

    Early morning wakes (6m) - what to do about nap schedule

    @nhungthientai My recently turned 7mo old was sleeping great on 3 naps, and out of nowhere started waking first between 6am and 6.30 (usual wake time is 7). This gradually crept earlier until about 5.15am but otherwise naps and bedtime seemed normal. Then she started fighting those two and I...
  4. W

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @hunter14 I feel like my babies sleep needs changed constantly between 4-6mos, and she just kept needing more and more awake time. At 4mos we were on 1.75/1.75/2/2/2 and by end of 4 mos we were on 2/2/2/2/2, and by 5mos we transitioned to 3 naps, starting at 2.25/2.25/2.5/2.5 and quickly...
  5. W

    7 month old can’t tolerate normal first WW but otherwise schedule okay? Should I just roll with it??

    @stefanny Tbh it doesn't happen often as I usually do the overnight shift so it's only happened a couple of times! So we stuck to wws, but had an overtired mess by the end of the day. When it's me and I know she's woken up before 7am, I just do anything I can to assist her back to sleep if it's...
  6. W

    7 month old can’t tolerate normal first WW but otherwise schedule okay? Should I just roll with it??

    @stefanny Is there any chance they're waking up earlier than you realise? My LO can sometimes be super quiet when they wake. I have supersonic hearing and she just needs to blink for me to know she's awake, but I know a couple of times my partner's done the overnight shift and hasn't realised...