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  1. H

    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 Also time outs don't always equal leaving a child alone to deal with an emotion. but it's a parenting preference regardless of how it is implemented and i would choose my battles concerning that personally
  2. H

    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 I don't think they would call her before you. Even if her name is listed first, I actually think they have a legal responsibility to call the custodial parent first because the step parent, even if she is on the pickup list, doesn't have rights to educational info. They know who the...
  3. H

    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 You're being petty about almost all of this.... time outs are not the worst thing in the world... that's what your child will get as punishment in pre school. 1 minute for each year of age. Anyway, ignore all of it. Relax about it. Let her be on the pick up list if it makes her...
  4. H

    Are we being unreasonable?

    @saveoursoul I use our family wizard and it's 100 a year. We are also court ordered to only call each other in the case of an emergency. Free aps are talking parents and appclose
  5. H

    Coparent taking $ from child’s account

    @jordanw123 Yeah but there isn't any legal recourse and it sounds like you're not getting info from the ex.
  6. H

    Coparent taking $ from child’s account

    @jordanw123 If they made the contributions they can take whatever money they want. You should really close the joint account and each make separate investments for your child. ETA even if they did not make the contributions but their name is on the account they can still take the money.
  7. H

    Are we being unreasonable?

    @saveoursoul Not your partners decision. There isn't anything here that it seems like court would solve. Put your phone on silent or use a coparenting app.