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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @leticiaglee My obgyn has referred me to the reproductive endocrinologist. Did you have a successful IUI?
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @squiddles Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out. I appreciate the feedback
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @curiouscate Just experiences by others, or just positive or negative stories. Just something to help me and give me a sense of community in this time
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @eadillard123 No I have not heard of them, thank you for sharing
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @cam1987 Ugh the heartache that goes into trying. I am sorry ugh ugh ugh!
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @cam1987 Sooo… following up after the TWW. Are you testing BFP
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @cam1987 Thank you for sharing. I know this journey is definitely a challenging one and whatever you and your husband choose to do, don’t feel guilty if you have to take a break. Praying that this 2nd cycle is the one that blesses you with a child. ❤️
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @curiouscate I totally agree. Trust me I’ve thought about seeking these part time places. It’s more than just money that goes into the thought about IVF first before trying IUI. HORMONES, Trials it may out on marriage, life adjustments financially and work related for it to possibly work or not…
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @youngrebornmommy I am a nurse at a local hospital and it’s saddens me that some of these places we get our coffee or dog food from offer more assistance than others. It’s def a blessing for some but man to work in healthcare and not have good benefits just baffles me. Thank you for this...
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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    38y/o F, husband 38y/o M ttc 3 years. Unexplained infertility and low amh and “age factor” go straight to IVF recommendation from reproductive endocrinologist. My husband has lower sperm and morphology volume 1.5ml, motility 57%, morphology 3%, abnormal 97% but Urologist and Repro endocrinology...