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    I hate my iud lol

    @bcsgrandma This is such a good answer lmfao
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    I hate my iud lol

    @bcsgrandma Holding onto it is so hardcore 😂😂
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    I hate my iud lol

    @icetiger100 That is so insane!! Ugh. I feel for you. It's given me cystic acne as well. Combine that with me compulsively picking my skin and I've been left with acne scars. Alcohol intolerance is wild, I've never heard of that! Thankfully I got a call from the clinic today to schedule my...
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    I hate my iud lol

    @soulgenesis The first and only time I'll be on birth control. The funny thing is, I asked to have my tubes tied but they convinced me to get an iud instead.
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    I hate my iud lol

    @alison90 Ugh. That sounds awful. If I could rip it out I 10000% would but unfortunately not even a OB GYN can get it out so I'm forced to wait I guess.
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    I hate my iud lol

    Yes, it has kept me from getting pregnant so it is doing its job. Big TMI warning lol Backstory; I got my Mirena iud inserted after having a c section. I bled for about 6 weeks which is normal and then didn't get a period for about 6 months. Thats it. It came back and is still the same as it...