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    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    @coneychiwa He does use sippy cups but when he’s sleepy he throws them. He is very set on boob when he’s tired
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    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    @nhla2 It is 😢 it’s so hard to say no when he’s so cute 🥺
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    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    @dougc54 They know 😂 it makes it so much harder to end it when they are so sweet about it. But I don’t have a choice 😞
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    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    @nhla2 Yes my son does the same. He says Booob and tries wrangle my boobs out of whatever I’m wearing. He will usually try to guide me to the bedroom, he pats the pillow next to him. That’s his sign for he’s ready. He will even hand me my phone sometimes. Idk who this kid thinks he is. When he’s...
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    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    @missbennett That’s what I’m thinking might have to happen. He’s breaking my heart at night. I’m pregnant and I need him to be over boobs before the next baby comes. I already feel bad that he will have to share me with all other sibling 😢.
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    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    @jessd77 I will look into it. Trying to wean ASAP because my breast are starting to hurt 😩
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    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    @fitnessfreak158 What is this don’t offer method you speak of. I’ve never offered boob, he’s always asked 😂 but I can see how offering quality time might work. It’s been hard lately because he’s been so aggressive about what he wants when he’s sleepy. It’s is always boob time
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    Mom, trying to wean 18month old

    So last night as my son was losing his C-R-A-P I had a thought. ( side note: I am pregnant so I am almost dried up. ) what if I could use a fake boob as a pacifier ? My son doesn’t like pacifiers or bottles really. And all the pacifiers that are “ breast like or just like mom” are all crap! My...