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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 Literally same to everything. We all live out of laundry baskets. Besides my husband who does his own. I have a 2.5 year old and an 11 month old. Can’t fold or put it away with them around. And I’m not able (nor do I want to) spend each nap time tk dedicate to it or that’s all I’d do.
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    Can’t have a third kid :( please remind me why it’s ok?

    @anniebee4688 Definitely appreciate you sharing your experience! The starting to travel late would upset me too! My parents very rarely travel with us younger, and now haha. They’re not travelers. I wish they were though! I will definitely make sure to always have occasional good family trips no...
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    Can’t have a third kid :( please remind me why it’s ok?

    @light3 Same. I want 3 and will still likely try to have a third but this stuff gives me slight apprehension and wanting to stick with just my 2 girls.
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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @jen I like your style. I’m thinking of trying this out.
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    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 Why are they asking about preschool for a child less than 1? The earliest they start is 2.5 and they have to be potty trained. Otherwise it’s daycare. I know because I’ve been looking into a super part time options for my first next year but she won’t make the age cut off by only a...
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    Does your working partner help overnight?

    @daisy83 Sleep training and then sleeping in their own space is what works for our family. 😬 it’s a god send IMO. Because no, my husband very rarely helps with overnights or even putting my 13 month old or 2.5 year old to sleep.
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    Keeping house tidy

    @stefany23 I actually still have my IR prescription! I’ve take a small dose on occasion. But this baby is pretty small so the risk of it lowering my supply at all scared me. And also it honestly almost gave me a little anxiety taking it and then not being able to do almost anything cleaning wise...
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    Keeping house tidy

    @bonbonmon We just recently hired a once monthly cleaner! That has helped. Love the tip of trying to make a laundry day so it’s a while reset. I should take my small occasional dose then to help! Ahh so sorry about your kitty! So glad he’s back. Ours is also indoor only so I can imagine how...
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    Keeping house tidy

    @bonbonmon Thanks on the username! Haha. Mine are just 28.5 months and 9 months so they’ve both been home with me the whole time and will be next year too because my oldest isn’t quite old enough for preschool yet. And we might even want another. Gah. So hard but I know it’s just a phase of life...
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    Keeping house tidy

    @bonbonmon Same. EBF so I miss my full adderall dose 😭