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  1. T

    I’ve had a fever every day for 8 days and I’m so pissed off.

    @gina Greek mountain tea! I nearly died of whooping cough my first year teaching, and an angel of an Albanian mother to one of my students introduced me to this herbal miracle worker. Brew a strong cup using buds, stems, leaves, alllll of it; boil for 5 minutes, steep another 5 minutes. Add as...
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    Why are pregnancy clothes hideous?

    @linlee Yes! Between the prices and the styles I'm like nevermind I'll just be uncomfortable in my current clothes. Currently 11 weeks and aside from some secondhand stuff I got from my local Buy Nothing group, I'm just going to make do with non-maternity dresses and long tops over leggings for...
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    TTC Newbie

    @williamk Oh boy, I'm not ready just yet but hopefully I can join sooner than later! We're still working up the nerve lol
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    Who here has a mediocre relationship with their sibling(s)?

    @ernesjohnson Mediocre would be a good word for it. We don't really have much in common besides shitty parents, and we don't make much effort to see one another outside of greater family gatherings. We have a group text thread but that's pretty much the extent of our relationship. If we were not...
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    Siblings are not what they’re cracked up to be

    @ipurr2 Eldest of three here, spent much of my childhood as the de facto third adult supervising the other two. My parents divorced and neither of them could/would handle us on their own, so it fell to me to help. Doing laundry, burning myself cooking us chicken nuggets, calling the neighbors...