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  1. C

    Close Before You Doze!

    @adrienne This is good supporting article I found when I saw the post you're talking about Also, in ideal HVAC circumstances, "closed not locked" would only ever apply to young kids old enough to know what to do during an emergency. Otherwise, toddlers are going to flee/panic and be much harder...
  2. C

    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    @cutin I just found both studies interesting. There was no question other than asking for opinions/thoughts. I've heard of many people, especially on reddit, boasting of being able to give their kids room temp/cold formula, and I'm now wondering if they only used pre-made/pre-boiled formula or...
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    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    @katrina2017 Yes, I know.
  4. C

    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    @notworthconsideration You see, I've heard of boiling water first but not water + formula. Like, I assumed that meant the WATER was the issue, not the formula. So I assumed it was boiling water, cooling, then adding formula to cooled water. I'm guessing that wasn't the case for you, though?
  5. C

    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    I was just curious what everyone thought of this study and the response from the Infant Nutrition Counsel about the preparation of powdered infant formula needing 70°C and then cooled before given to baby.