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  1. C

    What do your babies wear to sleep

    @angelgirl4890 You guys are talking as if it was super warm in the room. 25 degrees Celsius (77f) is very standard in many places around the world with more tropical weather (surprise it can get even warmer, I know, shocker). I don’t see babies having insane high rates of SIDS in the Caribbean...
  2. C

    Help! Baby suddenly cries hysterically at bedtime

    @bhagofangels Thank you for sharing your experience with me 🌻 it really helps to know I’m not doing anything wrong! Let’s hope he grows out of it
  3. C

    Help! Baby suddenly cries hysterically at bedtime

    My 3.5 month old usually has a very solid routine of 5 naps and sleeps well at night waking up only once to feed. Usually he goes down super easy at bedtime - we have a routine of bath + massage + pjs + feed and cot. He has dropped a nap himself and now he’s doing 4 naps for the past few days...